Saturday, July 15, 2006
First posters and discussions
Today I started to put up posters around town. The first question was asked about the future of Laugarvegur. Many people reacted positively and quite a few good discussions came across.
One of these was with a man, who was not the least against taking the houses down i Laugarvegur, since he himself was situated in a very poor and run down property. This is a god point, which excactly brings out the nessesity of communitaction. Personaly I'm not agains taking houses down if they do not do their purpose, have any historical value or in any other way have outstanding qualities. But I do think it is so important to discuss what will replace it, not nessesarily the style and the acutal look of it, but the hight, the volume and the funtionality. It is important to bring the discussion in the public further than being only about aesthetics and onto talking about the qualities which have impact on the street life and the everyday use of the building. This is so important to take into consideration and to treat in a visionary way.
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I´m so happy that you have opened this site for discussion. This is so needed and I encourage everyone to take part.
Glöggt er gests augað. Það er mikill fengur fyrir okkur að fá viðbrögð og sjónarmið gestsins.
Borgarskipulagið hefur verið í upplausn frá því 1928 þegar Hringbrautarskipulagið var lagt fram og það er eins og það verði verra og verra eftir því sem fleiri sérfræðingar koma að því.
Umræðan er mikils virði og hana þarf að efla. hinsvegar er það skoðun mín að íbúalýðræði sé ofmetið. Þar er hættan sú að þeir sem tala hæst ráði ferðinni.
Það er vert að skoða feril ákvarðannatökunnar í skipulagsmálum. Hann virðist oft vera byggður á klíkuhagsmunum og einkennilegri og óskiljanlegri afstöðu arrógant embattismanna til grundvallaratriða. Þar sannast oft að "á milli hests og hunds og manns, hangir leyniþráður".
Borgarskipulagið hefur verið í upplausn frá því 1928 þegar Hringbrautarskipulagið var lagt fram og það er eins og það verði verra og verra eftir því sem fleiri sérfræðingar koma að því.
Umræðan er mikils virði og hana þarf að efla. hinsvegar er það skoðun mín að íbúalýðræði sé ofmetið. Þar er hættan sú að þeir sem tala hæst ráði ferðinni.
Það er vert að skoða feril ákvarðannatökunnar í skipulagsmálum. Hann virðist oft vera byggður á klíkuhagsmunum og einkennilegri og óskiljanlegri afstöðu arrógant embattismanna til grundvallaratriða. Þar sannast oft að "á milli hests og hunds og manns, hangir leyniþráður".
Varðandi Mýrargötuna er augljóslega rétt að vernda Alliancehúsið og gefa svosem tveim dráttarbrautum líf. Við megum ekki gera sömu vitleysuna og gerð var í the Dokclands í London og við Köbenhavns havnefront.
Nicely put.
That is exactly the kind of discusion that we should have within the community. Using the oppertunities when meeting people to try to find out what we can imagine as a replacement.
What is for damn sure thouhg are the estathics, my impression is that everybody is tired of the endless use of the combination: glas/mirror, grey stone, and fancy wood.
With best wishes for your project.
We will meet sooner than you think :)
That is exactly the kind of discusion that we should have within the community. Using the oppertunities when meeting people to try to find out what we can imagine as a replacement.
What is for damn sure thouhg are the estathics, my impression is that everybody is tired of the endless use of the combination: glas/mirror, grey stone, and fancy wood.
With best wishes for your project.
We will meet sooner than you think :)
Nicely put.
That is exactly the kind of discusion that we should have within the community. Using the oppertunities when meeting people to try to find out what we can imagine as a replacement.
What is for damn sure thouhg are the estathics, my impression is that everybody is tired of the endless use of the combination: glas/mirror, grey stone, and fancy wood.
With best wishes for your project.
We will meet sooner than you think :)
That is exactly the kind of discusion that we should have within the community. Using the oppertunities when meeting people to try to find out what we can imagine as a replacement.
What is for damn sure thouhg are the estathics, my impression is that everybody is tired of the endless use of the combination: glas/mirror, grey stone, and fancy wood.
With best wishes for your project.
We will meet sooner than you think :)
Halló Tanja og allir hinir!
The Mýrargata area is a link between the harbour and the centre of Reykjavik. It is an area that has been closed to public for a long time and is opening up now. That is exciting. But unfortunately the plans have been to remove Everything and replace with apartment blocks. I don't find that so exciting.
The atmosphere around the area today is very precious to me, but it is tricky to set hands on why and how. And maybe most of all, of what value is it?
But one thing is sure, an industrial area like this and big fishing ships in the centre will never be back.
I believe letting the Alliance house and two Slipways stay unaffected could play a big role in creating the future character of the area where the different times meet and merge in harmony;)
In Úrbanistan we have worked on measuring and mapping the atmosphere and character of Reykjavík (
At Guerilla-Store (Slippfélagshúsið, Mýrargata) you will find Slippurinn-bank, where Úrbanistan collects stories and experiences from the Slippurinn area.
Thanks for being out there :o)
I'm looking forward to follow this blog!
The Mýrargata area is a link between the harbour and the centre of Reykjavik. It is an area that has been closed to public for a long time and is opening up now. That is exciting. But unfortunately the plans have been to remove Everything and replace with apartment blocks. I don't find that so exciting.
The atmosphere around the area today is very precious to me, but it is tricky to set hands on why and how. And maybe most of all, of what value is it?
But one thing is sure, an industrial area like this and big fishing ships in the centre will never be back.
I believe letting the Alliance house and two Slipways stay unaffected could play a big role in creating the future character of the area where the different times meet and merge in harmony;)
In Úrbanistan we have worked on measuring and mapping the atmosphere and character of Reykjavík (
At Guerilla-Store (Slippfélagshúsið, Mýrargata) you will find Slippurinn-bank, where Úrbanistan collects stories and experiences from the Slippurinn area.
Thanks for being out there :o)
I'm looking forward to follow this blog!
I agree with AOM that the big fishing ships will l never be back. But I think that the small fishing boats could easily be operated from the area and I think one or two of the boat yards could be of a significant urban quality activity in the area and should be maintained.
This is important.
I think we should keep the Daniels slippur and the Alliance building and add the residential housing in harmony with former harbor activities.
This is important.
I think we should keep the Daniels slippur and the Alliance building and add the residential housing in harmony with former harbor activities.
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